Need assistance getting to the United States from Haiti? We're here to help you return safely.

This request form is for citizens of the United States currently in Haiti with valid U.S. passports who are ready to travel. Your information will be securely transmitted to staff of the United States Congress, who will help coordinate available transportation to the U.S.

This is a request only, and does not guarantee availability or booking on any flight, or financial assistance in any form. You will be contacted about additional logistics to schedule your transportation home.

You are submitting information to the United States Congress, who will use it for the routine purpose of assisting you to obtain transportation to the United States. Your information is not automatically disclosed to other federal agencies, including the Department of State. To make your situation known to consular officials in Haiti, you may submit the State Department Crisis Intake Form here.

Please note: all submissions must be completed in English. Multiple submissions are unnecessary and will be ignored.

This is an official website of the United States House of Representatives. Authorized use only.

For assistance, call or text +1 202 335 5557.